
Showing posts from November, 2016


When you understand the Love of GOD towards you,your heart is stilled to humility,for out of this comes honor. A unappreciative heart is always filled with pride and is always prone to disgrace,but reverence for GOD results in wisdom and wealth. Unfaithfulness by men traps their hearts to evil desires!


"We all need someone or a group of people to help edify us as Christians, for anyone who thinks he/she does not need edification from any Christian brother or sister; be it the Head Pastor or Ussher, is either suffering from Ignorance or Arrogance. We all need Saints to for see the dangers on our paths and pray for us just as Our Lord Jesus Christ did for Simon Peter; ( Luke 22 : 31 - 32 )" - Pastor Samuel Owusu.


- Pastor Mensa Otabil.


Grace is not dependant on the will of man but is always sufficient and willing to commune because of Love. Grace teaches the heart forgiveness and reconciliation but wisdom instructs the heart to discipline and dedication. Faith discerns the act of giving praise with joy by knowledge and understanding.


"God will come through for you if you hold on by faith. It may seem hopeless but He can turn things around." - Dr. Mensa Otabil


"God is not random. He’s already laid out the plan for your life down to the smallest details" - Pastor Joel Osteen

WORD !!!

"When you praise God and lift up your hands in thanksgiving, you create an atmosphere for the presence of God, and where the presence of God is, there is liberty. I declare liberty in every area of your life" - Dr. Mensa Otabil


Increase is mostly not about promotions and establishments but rather about the growth of the Spirit. You can never be a good leader or an example to follow if you are not a master at following examples or being good at serving. The example of faith is based on the concept of the mind,Dominance is by word


"The reason we have two ears and one mouth is because we’re supposed to listen twice as much as we speak" - Pastor Joel Osteen


Bishop Dag prays for you; "Whatever has targeted you will not touch you in Jesus name!". Amen.


 Bishop Dag Heward-Mills


"Life is too short to go through it letting people control you. Take responsibility for your own happiness" - Pastor Joel Osteen


At the foot of the cross on the Mount where our savior was slain,the enemy rejoiced but little did he know that by Christ suffering the cross,all powers of the heavens and of the earth was handed over to Him. Your tests and trials just gives you the grace to walk and enjoy in bigger and greater blessings.


"Choose to be grateful each day.  When you live like that, you’re tapping in to joy on the inside" - Pastor Joel Osteen


"May the Father of Glory  give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation...." - Bishop Dag Heward-Mills


Have you paused for a moment to ask yourself where you would have been if GOD had not located you with His Grace? Even though we rebel against Him,His countenance still gives us life and its necessities,such that you are not brutalised beyond measure. His Grace is made perfect because of His Love for you.


When Favor locates you through Grace, Glory never cease to work out for your good and establishment. The Crown of Victory is not given without fighting the battle of Faith with Patience. GOD gives the Grace to understand that Wisdom lurks in the hearts of all those who Seek Counsel from HIS Spirit and Word.


"You may be in a tough time, but don’t magnify your problem, magnify your God" - Pastor Joel Osteen


Grace does not enslave a man to bondage, but by ignorance he sells himself out into slavery because he lacks the knowledge about his nature in Christ. Men became slaves to ignorance not because they lacked the word,but because they lacked the true revelation of their Creator, revelation brings understanding.

WORD !!!

"Stir up your faith on a regular basis, stir up your gifts, stir up your passion. You haven’t seen your best days" - Pastor Joel Osteen.


Do not be misled by the concept from men about holiness to GOD, for none is made holy nor justified without the blood of the lamb of GOD,but be encouraged that at the highest price,you've been drawn to a union. Grace teaches about love not wrath, for if Grace is of GOD,then His wrath is not against you!


Hurray!!! Glory Publications' Blog is 5 months old. This is how far the Lord has brought us may His Holy Name be Praised. We the pioneers of Glory Publications express our gratitude to all viewers for your great love and contribution, we really appreciate the fact that The Gospel is been spread abroad, and we here at Glory Publications are honored to be part of this Great move. We pray The Grace of God keeps you and always enable you to stay tuned as The Best Is Yet to Come, In Jesus Name.. Amen.... Let's Celebrate !!!!! Glory Publications......Shining THE LIGHT, Showing THE WAY...


Walking in fellowship with GOD is not a matter of haste,for by act of selflessness, Grace teaches man the essence of Love through devotion,bearing the fruits of the Spirit which comes from the Father through Love and boldly crowning the heart with patience through peace in all raging seas(uncertainties).


There is a greater purpose for your call to Grace and that call is of the message of reconciliation through love by sacrifice. Love attends the heart with peace to be sober even in tribulations such that you are not dismayed but rather provoked to joy by the peace that works in your hearts through Love..!


Grace makes a difference in all situations such that even in trying and hard times it gives the strength to stand with all understanding. Whenever things refuse to work in your favor,you don't need to mummer,you need to shout out Grace,for grace works out good in all things for they that revere the Lord.!


The prophets of old lacked the Grace to discern on the true nature of GOD such that,most thought His compassion was less to His anger. GOD is not easily wroth,for even though He drove Cain out of His presence,He still marked him for protection,demonstrating the greatest act of the Spirit, Love! Hallelujah !!!


Grace is a gift of free Will and it was given out for man to understand the sense of reconciliation between GOD and man. Establishment through Grace comes only by submission and fellowship with the Father through His word and His Spirit. Favor comes only after Grace has refined the heart and mind of a man


Grace never forfeits the works of faith,for it profits the heart to believe. Grace sets us free from sin's guilty stains and relieves us of it natures such that we are not held as captives to it wits. Dominion is found in GOD'S Word but it becomes your power if you activate it by confession through faith.


The Word of GOD together with His Spirit works Grace,liberating and giving hearts the sense of hope and peace,for by Grace the works of the Holy Ghost are made evident. Grace provokes the atmosphere of change through the renewal of the mind by believe through the Word. Love reconciles men through Grace.


Love taught Grace the selfless act of giving,for Grace understood fellowship and dedication by taking the permanent form of a man and taught him to be sober even when He was sent painfully to a shameful death. Grace gives freely the hope to stand and the courage to overcome by Love through the Word.


Grace provokes praise out of the heart of a believer who understands the essence of Redemption. Favor connects men to blessing but Grace bursts out with the nature of the Father,for it provokes the heart to rejoice exceedingly Above Measure.Grace fills the heart with the power of the Holy Ghost! Rejoice!!


When a man's heart knows how to worship and give praise to GOD,the oil to establish never departs from his head,for even Grace came by submission and faith won the hearts of all men through the sprinkling of the blood. Grace gives the chance for repentance and establishes fellowship for Salvation to all.


Be bold. Don’t use your words to describe the situation; use your words to change the situation - Pastor Joel Osteen


In the circle of Grace,favor is a lifestyle and faith is an attitude,for in this circle all things work in corresponding to the other and all things work in accordance with love,for Love works grace to stand in devotion and in truth by fellowship,and by the price of the highest you are connected to favor!


Don’t base your value on how someone is treating you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. - Pastor Joel Osteen


By revelation you will understand that the storms of life has to rage against you so that the glory of the Lord be seen,for there is never a testimony without a test,for your endurance proves Love. It takes Faith to understand that in all,Grace works out favor to pull through all test devised by the devil


We speak Grace because it is the key factor of GOD'S Love,you can't believe a story until you experience its facts. It is by this same Grace that you've been baptized into Heavenly rulership and dominionship through the Word by the Spirit. Faith is an asset of Grace for without Grace,faith has no essence!


Grace speaks the nature of freedom and never forsakes whoever its finds,for even though it is not by works of men but by the demonstration of Love by the Father through himself,it still reaches out to fellowship even though we rebel against it,Grace rejects no man but rather gives the chance to be saved.!


When faith is at its peak in a believer,he is been called a mad man for he always see possibility in the impossible. Upliftment comes when there's dedication through submission but submission can never be possible if there's no understanding. You can not become an overcomer if you easily give up in trials