We are seeking for something in this life, whatever it may be guys, we must not loose focus on the track. We can achieve all the achievements there are in this world but all that won't matter the moment you force close your eyes. Some may say it would benefit your next generation, that is your children and their children, but we should think of this, we came here to live,work, move on a borrowed time, yes, we are all agents, and we have each been given a special assignment to do after which we will all give accounts on how our mission went and how we utilized our borrowed time, what will be your account when you finally meet your handler, what will you say you used your time for when all you did was to fight for vain possessions, or even worse watch a soul perish while saying nothing....
Matthew 16 : 26 - " What shall it profit a man if he gained the whole world and looses his own soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
#Thinkaboutit #whataregoingtosay #thehouriscoming #bevigilant #stayfocused #salvationishere4all #cometoJesusChrist #comenow
Matthew 16 : 26 - " What shall it profit a man if he gained the whole world and looses his own soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
#Thinkaboutit #whataregoingtosay #thehouriscoming #bevigilant #stayfocused #salvationishere4all #cometoJesusChrist #comenow
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