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Bishop Dag Heward-Mills
“.. Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations… to gather them together to battle…” - Revelation 20:7-8
Whatever makes you strong is of interest to your enemy. If he can take that away from you, he can destroy you. You must always expect an attack on the source of your strength. You must also attack your enemy’s source of light, fuel and food. The reason why your financiers are under attack is because they are a source of strength for your ministry.
Who is behind the conflicts in your life? Perhaps, you are wondering why you are always having conflict with your pastors, your wife and your children. It is time to grow up and know that there is always someone behind the war. There is someone behind the marital conflict that you are experiencing and it is Satan.
Satan is the one behind every conflict, every war, and every fight. Notice, as soon as the devil is set free from the one thou- sand year imprisonment, he gathers people to fight against each other. Gathering people to fight against each other is Satan’s work: Revelation 20:7-8.
It is time to recognise that there is always someone behind a war. The marital conflicts in your home, the confusion in your church, the enmity in your family are all demonically inspired. Satan is the one who gathers people to war against each other. You must rise up in the night and bind the devil. You must curse his operations. You must limit and weaken his access to your life. Through the power of God, you are destroying every hidden force fuelling conflicts in your life.


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