Bishop Dag Heward-Mills
READ: Matthew 23:1-12
“And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.” - Matthew 23:12
I once attended an international gathering of pastors of large churches. These were pastors of the largest churches in their countries. All the pastors had an air of importance around them. Most of us were preoccupied with ourselves and how successful we had been in our respective nations. I wondered to myself, “Who is the most successful pastor here? Who is the greatest?”
Later on, I met these pastors at the Hilton Hotel of that city. Many of them were at ease in the environment of wealth. They had travelled first class and were very comfortable in a five-star environment. Of course I was also happy to be there and made myself comfortable. I thanked God for putting me amongst the greatest pastors on earth. Surely, I thought, I must now be one of the greatest pastors too.
It was years later that the Lord gave me a new understanding of who He considered to be great. The greatest amongst us is the most humble. Jesus never talked about the size of your church, the car you drive, or the money you have. The divine measurement of greatness is completely different from the earthly. Indeed, the greatest pastor at that conference was the most humble amongst us.
Unfortunately success and wealth are usually not bedfellows of humility. Most wealthy and successful people lose the humility they had. Thank God that it is possible to be humanly great and also great in the eyes of God. We must strive for greatness in the sight of God.
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